22 de junho de 2017

Nostalgia: what a feeling!

Postado em 19/03/2017.

Tonight I'm going to write my last text in this blog and it makes me feel a little sad, because I really enjoy writing and it's been very nice to write in English. I wish I had more time and more patience to write (I mean, without the commitment of doing it, just for fun). 
I can be so lazy sometimes x.x

Anyway, let's start. 

This text is about one of the best feelings in the world: Nostalgia. If you don't know or don't remember what is nostalgia, I found this definition in the dictionary: "feeling of happiness mixed with sadness when you think about things that happened in the past". It's kinda weird when you read it, don't you think? I guess that's because nostalgia is very difficult to describe, and that's why I'm going to talk a little bit about my experience with this feeling.

In my opinion, nostalgia has a lot to do with missing things that were really good in the past and that don't really make part of your reality right now, specially things from your childhood (but don't worry, my friends: who said that you can't have some of these things back? Hehe). For example, I feel very nostalgic when I watch a Harry Potter movie. It can be any of them, it doesn't really matter which one it is (although I confess that I feel bored when I watch the fifth and the sixth ones). It reminds me of when I was younger and used to see these movies with one of my friends all the time. We were big fans and we had a great time watching the movies and imagining that we were in that world full of magic, spells and adventures. I still remember some of the sentences from the movies, and it makes my heart smile and cry at the same time, because I can't watch these movies as frequently as I used to (damn you, adulthood).

Funny fact: there was a time when I used to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire AND Madagascar (the movie from DreamsWorks) every morning before school. I guess I did it for a week or two, and I used to take turns, one day for each.

One thing that I realized that I was missing A LOT in my life (but that never really left) and that made part of my childhood, is Pokémon. OMG, I loved this when I was a kid (I used to watch the anime and the movies all the time) and I still love it. I follow lots of pages on Facebook that talk about it, I save images that I find cute or cool about it, I learned how to play the card game two or three years ago (I'm kinda late, I know, but the important part is that I learned xD and I can kick your asses in this game u.u shauoshao) and I have lots of items of Pokémon (stuffed animals/pokémons, T-shirts, stickers, etc.). 

Every time there's an event about Animes or Pop Culture in general in Pelotas, Rio Grande or Porto Alegre I try to go, because it's like paradise to me. I buy lots of things and in the last event I went, that was in Rio Grande, I had lots of fun and got really nice, special and nostalgic items of Harry Potter, Pokémon and Sailor Moon, for example. 

I don't understand why some people think that these things should stay in the past, that they're "childish" and don't fit in people of my age. My message for these people is: shut up and stop worrying about my life. If that makes me happy and it's not hurting anyone, so why are you judging it so much? Every one of us was a kid once, but some of us seem to have forgotten that (this ideia comes from the book The Little Prince, actually xD). I can like things from my childhood and there's nothing wrong about it, I'm not less mature because of that and it doesn't mean that I don't like "adult stuff" too (whatever it is).

I think I may have sounded kinda pissed off... Sorry, I just don't like when people mock me because of that kkk. Let's return to the good part:

Recently, I watched a video that made me feel SO nostalgic: do you remember High School Musical? The disney movie from 2006 (yes, it's been more than 10 years, you can feel old now xD)? Well, Ashley Tisdale (which played Sharpay Evans) has a channel on YouTube, and she posted two months ago a video with her best friend, Vanessa Hudgens (yes, it's Gabriella Montez!). They made a cover of a song called "Ex's and Oh's", and guys... I can't explain what I felt while I was watching the video. It was so good to see these girls again, they were my divas! The music is so cute and I felt so serene while listening to it.

I wrote a lot, so... I guess I need to finish here xD

Please, don't forget about the things that made you happy when you were a kid and don't let anybody judge you because you like them, they're part of who you are. Nostalgia is beautiful and we can't just leave behind the child that we were once. 

I'll leave here two things: one of them is Ashley's video with Vanessa and the other one is a link to a brazilian YouTube channel called Nostalgia (what a coincidence kkk). The owner is Felipe Castanhari and I really love his work. Actually, I love him too <3 hsuaoush. 

I hope you like it :3 Bye.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5pzC_gUlpA

Nostalgia - Felipe Castanhari: https://www.youtube.com/user/fecastanhari

Let's talk about time

Postado em 19/02/2017.

We live in a world where people are always in a hurry: we want to see short videos because we're not patient enough to see the same thing for more than five minutes (or we just need to do something else, so it gotta be quick); we want to finish school as soon as possible, so we can go to college and then find a job, buy a nice house and start a family (never thinking about the present, just the future); we need to eat fast food and industrialized food because we can't cook at home (lack of time sucks); we have responsabilities, important things to do and, sometimes, it's really hard to manage your time. That feels... kinda wrong to me.

Don't worry, I'm not complaining about being busy. In fact, I believe that one of the worst things ever is feeling bored, because you start thinking too much and it drives you crazy after a while. It's like your mind creates problems that doesn't exist and everything looks bigger than it really is. Do you know that expression in Portuguese?  I'll try to translate it to English: "The empty mind is the Devil's workshop" (Wow, that sounded nice, I thought that if I translated the sentence it would sound weird, but that's good). It's just that... I don't know, I wish I could control time. Yes, I want to be like Dialga, the legendary Pokémon hehehe.

It would be nice to just "pause", you know? The clock would stop and then I could do things I can't do now because of this especially exhausting semester at college. I don't need one hour or a day, it doesn't need to be a long break. I wish I could stop and look at the colors of the sky when the day is coming to an end (I love it when it has some pink, cute clouds), or maybe listen to a song in the middle of class when I'm feeling stressed and sing along (James Bay would be nice), or just talk with a friend about anything (books, TV series, problems, relationships, it doesn't matter) and not keep on thinking "OMG I gotta do that thing for tomorrow right now, I can't talk a lot, I need to be fast". Small things, you know? It doesn't need to be a six-month vacation or something like that (but that would be great, too kkk).

Maybe if we didn't have clocks we could enjoy our lifes in a better way. Sure, maybe it would be a big mess and everyone would be lost, but think about it: there are so many things we don't do because of our fast, almost limited routines. We could be happier, lighter. It would be good to our minds and bodys if we could stop and breathe for a few minutes. I wish I had the control of time, just for a day. 

Imagine the difference it would make in the world if we could make these pauses like, I don't know, 3 or 4 times a day ("Bia, I need more pauses than that! u.u" kkkk sorry guys, with great powers comes great responsability, we can't abuse or we would pause entire days, and that's not my point kkk). People would smile more, be more relaxed... Life would be better. Maybe those few minutes would make a big difference in a fight (someone could pause, calm down and then say "sorry" and finish the problem) or in a moment of fear (you can relax and then deal with the situation in the best possible way). Think about it, would you like it? :)

I guess that's it xD I'll leave here a song by James Bay, one of my favorite singers and the guy I mentioned in this text. I hope you like it, I think it's great :3 

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"

Postado em 02/10/2016.

I'm sitting on my bed right now trying soooo hard to write a good text, but every time I try I just look at my screen, think "nope" and just delete everything. It seems like nothing is good enough. Maybe there's something blocking my way. Let me see: I'm not hungry, I'm not sleepy, I'm not sad and I'm not tired. So what the hell is going on?

Maybe I need some motivation, something to make me feel a little more happy. That's it: I'll put some music. Now I'm listening to a song that I consider the most beautiful one when we talk about lyrics. The song is Drops Of Jupiter and it's from the band Train.  

It talks about love and, most of all, it talks about discovering who you really are. In this song we see a lot of words related to space and Greek mythology (one of my favorite topics ever), and I guess that's what makes Drops Of Jupiter so attractive to me. 

There's this part on the song that made me think about life:

"Can you imagine, no love, pride, deep fried chicken? 
Your best friend always stickin up for you 
(even when I know you're wrong)?
Can you imagine no first dance
Freeze dried romance
5 hour phone conversation
The best soy latte' that you ever had and... me?"

It talks about things that we like, that make life better and make us happy. Some of them are really easy to get, like deep fried chicken and some are harder, like love. And I'm thinking that there are days that we forget about these things just because we're always busy and running out of time. We forget to please ourselves. Now, I have a question for you guys: What makes you happy? What are the things that show up on your mind in the morning that make you want to get up and begin your day?

I know what is on my mind: my friends, my boyfriend, the candies I'm going to eat, the conversations I'm going to have, the musics I'll listen to, the laughs, smiles, hugs... Everything I like that can happen during the day.

One thing is for sure: Life can be a bitch sometimes (sorry, teacher), but we can't give up. We can't expect happiness to come and knock at our doors, we have to chase it. It's difficult to do that when we have a lot of stuff to do at university or at work, but I believe that every day we need to have a little something that will make the day worth it. 

So, my little piece of advice is: try to take some minutes of the day just to please yourself, to relax and feel good. Just stop and breathe. Listen to your favorite song, talk with your friend, play a game, read a book, take a nap (I love sleeping <3), whatever! Everybody needs a break. If we don't do that, life will drive us crazy. 
I guess that's it. This is not my best text ever, but that's what I could do under pressure and with something blocking my ideas (it's still there, I don't know why).

If you have some time, try to listen to Taylor Swift's cover of this song too. I love her and she made the song sound even cuter <3 

"You are responsible, forever, for what you have tamed"

Postado em 11/09/2016.

It's really interesting when you stop and pay attention to the human nature: sometimes people hate so much that they make wars, build guns, burn bridges and everything; but sometimes, the opposite happens and you know people that are really important to you. In this text, I'm not going to talk about love, I'm going to talk about a different kind of thing (it includes love, but not the love you're expecting): Friendship.
Your friends are people that make your life better. They're there for you all the time: when you're happy, when you're sad, when you're angry, when you're drunk... Always. They stand by your side and never leave you behind.
For me, that's one of the best things ever. I have a best friend and I can't even imagine my life without her. She always helps me, laughs with me and she's by my side when I feel like the world is falling apart, and it would be perfect if everybody in this world had someone like her.
You can't find a friend in every corner. It's so nice when you have someone you can trust, you can talk about everything (with no judgements), you can depend on, and this person feels the same way you do. Can you picture your life without them, this crazy little family you decided to call yours?
One thing that is weird about friendships is that they start in different ways: out of nowhere, because of a conversation in class, in a bar, on the mall... It just happens. There are times too that you know someone and just think: "This person is really cool, I want him/her to be my friend". Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. Unfortunately, having a lot of things in common doesn't mean that you're going to be friends with someone.
I really hate when friendships end. It's not anybody's fault, it just makes part of life (some things are not meant to be, and it's true about friends and other kinds of relationships). I used to have a really good friend who I thought that would be next to me forever, but last year we had a big fight and we don't talk anymore. I miss him sometimes, but I don't think we're going to be friends again. 
Here's a piece of advice for everyone: Take care of who you love, especially your friends. They can't be replaced and they're hard to find. Every relationship is about a mutual feeling where people really like each other, and they have to take care of this relationship like it was a little flower: give it water when you can and never forget about it, because it can be gone in the blink of an eye. 
Also, don't be that stupid person who forgets about his/her friends when he/she starts dating someone. It's really mean and dumb, because a good friend is so much more worthy than a crush. Of course, you may have found the love of your life, but what's the point of having good moments if you have no one to share them with? A love is a love, but it's not enough. 
I'm sorry if what I said here sounded a little bit sad, that's not my intention. I just put my heart here with no filter.
Anyway... I think that's it. I hope you liked my text :) If you did, feel free to leave a comment here since we don't have the "like" buttom xD Bye. 

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"

Postado em 20/08/2016.

Why some people have such a difficult relationship with the mirror when they're looking at themselves? 

There are days that we look at our own reflection and think "I'm good looking" or "I'm fine", or even (if you're feeling REALLY good about yourself) "OMG I'm so hot that I could kiss myself". The sad part is that this last kind of day (and even the good ones) seems to be kinda rare. Why is that?

I get it when you're a teenager. We're all trying to fit in, and when we don't feel comfortable about ourselves it's pretty hard to like what we see. It can happen with adults too, and even kids.  

Have you ever thought "I wish I looked like him/her?". Well, that can be true poison most of the time. We have to understand that we don't need to be like someone else, we just need to be ourselves because that's OK, it's enough.

Of course, sometimes we can have a little "improvement". Are you tired of your clothes? Buy new ones. You always wanted to be blonde, but never had the nerve to dye your hair? Just do it! If you hate it, paint it again. Do you think you're a little bit overweight and want to look hot in that dress? Do something, like exercises and maybe a diet. The most important is: change for yourself, not because of the others.

The way to happiness is to feel great about who you are, and I don't mean just in the apperance, but also about the person you are (your personality and everything else). I just wanted to focus on the apperance because I see SO MANY PEOPLE complaining about life, with low self esteem and not very satisfied with who they are. 

I don't know who said this sentence, but I really like it: "People can't love you if you don't love yourself". That's so true!

My suggestion for people who are not happy about what they look like is:
Have a nice conversation with your mirror (or don't, maybe just break it and forget about this subject). Think about your appearence, about what you like and what you don't, the reasons why you don't like some things and (if it's all about you and not because of somebody else) change the things you're not satisfied with. It's not that painful and you'll feel so much better later. After that, think about your personality and the good things in you. Your intelligence, your friends, your family, what you're studying and what you want to do about your future. Life can be sweet if we're sweet with ourselves. 

Remember we're always butterflies: changing, flying... Beautiful in a way that no one can imitate.

(I tried to make a nice philosofical quote, but I don't know if it's good. You can tell me hehe)

This is Hanna Marin from the show Pretty Little Liars.

Don't feel like her. Be happy, be confident :)

One more thing that Vini told me :3 Don't just look at yourself on the mirror, take a mirror and try to say everything that you don't like about yourself and everything that you like. You'll see that you'll find a lot of things that you like, even more than the things you dislike.